Following the Evidence: Human Genetic Diversity, Intelligence, and the Need for Honest Science A simplified version of this article can be found here. Human biological variation and behavior have long been contentious topics. In academia, a prevailing ideological resistance has… Continue Reading →
The Truth About Human Differences: What Science Really Says This is a simplified version of much longer and more academic version which can be found here. For a long time, people have debated whether human groups are really different from… Continue Reading →
NOTE: This will be updated to a newer model that incorporates Gaussian Mixture Model to the calculation to increase accuracy. This will be more computationally expensive, but will account for the multimodal nature of the White cluster, especially toward southern… Continue Reading →
Below is a strictly scientific overview that brings together the discussion on how to model group membership using PCA and Mahalanobis distance—particularly when populations such as Ashkenazi Jews and Sicilians overlap in low-dimensional plots—and how higher-order principal components can resolve… Continue Reading →
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